The 6 Crucial Signs That It Is Time To Leave Your Job


Leaving a job is a difficult decision to come to. It’s uprooting a huge part of your life, starting anew and even when you’re completely ready to move on, it can still be difficult to end an era of your life with such finality.

However, there’s a certain point where it can’t be put off anymore and it’s time to move on, especially if it’s impacting your mental health and your life outside of the workplace which, let’s face it, it often is.

Rob Phelps, founder of AI Jobs , revealed the crucial signs that you need to leave your job. 

Signs you need to leave your job

The spark has faded 

There are downsides and lulls in every job but if you’re finding that all of your work days are blurring into one and the challenges you face seem underwhelming, it’s time to go.

Phelps said: “This lack of motivation is a sure sign that your current role isn’t fuelling your professional fire, and it might be time to look for something that excites you again.”

Your mental health has taken a hit 

Of course, work can be stressful but if you find that it’s the sole or main cause of your mental health problems, this is a huge red flag.

While it may be tempting to shrug off these issues as just part of the job, they don’t have to be and you deserve to feel happier in your place of work.

Phelps said: “If you’re dealing with chronic feelings of exhaustion, dread, and burnout, making it difficult to switch off, relax, and enjoy your personal life, it’s impacting your mental health.

“Listen to your body and mind, and consider the toll your job is taking on your sleep, appetite, and temper.”

There’s nothing more to learn in the role

This one can be much trickier. 

You may enjoy your role and feel settled in it but know deep down that you’ve outgrown the work. You have learned everything that you can and there’s no room for growth or progression.

At this point, it’s time to say a bittersweet goodbye.

Phelps said:  “Remaining in a stagnant role like this can stifle your career development, and if you can’t see a path to progression in your current role, you might need to get off the dead-end road and look for an alternative route.”

You feel filled with dread at the thought of work 

While we may joke about Sunday Scaries, if you feel a sense of impending dread about going to work, this is a strong indicator that it’s time to move on. 

Phelps said: “Low job satisfaction, dreading tasks and upcoming meetings, and spending your day watching the clock, desperate for your day to be over is a sign that your job is negatively impacting your wellbeing and you should think about moving on.”

The vibes are bad 

As somebody that previously worked in a few toxic offices, I know that this can be hard to believe but there are workplaces that aren’t filled with constant negativity, gossip and disrespect and if this is your working life, it’s time to move on.

Phelps said that this kind of environment can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing, chip at your self-confidence and make you feel like you will never escape.

He added: “Whether it’s workplace bullying, or a lack of support and unrealistic expectations that’s making it toxic, this environment can cause a constant knot of anxiety and stress that can impact you both mentally and physically.” 

You don’t have a work-life balance

Even if you love what you do for a living, life is more than just the work that we do.

We need personal time to recharge and relax but if work is constantly getting in the way of that, it could be a recipe for burnout. 

Phelps said: “If your workload is consistently exceeding what can be done in contracted hours, and you’re expected to work late and be contactable at all times, it’s a sign that the role is understaffed and not being managed well.”

He added that this can lead to resentment and feeling like you’re being taken advantage of, especially if your extra efforts aren’t being recognised or compensated – and there might be another role that will have a better balance.

Remember, your physical and mental wellbeing comes first!


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