Diet Coke or Coke Zero? Dietitian reveals healthiest option


Food & Drink

Let’s get fizz-ical.

A Toronto-based registered dietitian has evaluated the healthfulness of the no-calorie diet sodas Coke Zero and Diet Coke — and the results are soda-pressing for Coke fans.

“Both contain aspartame, caffeine, natural flavors, and caramel colors, etc.,” Abbey Sharp began her peppy pop post Sunday on TikTok.

“The key difference is that Diet Coke is sweetened exclusively with aspartame, whereas Coke Zero also contains a sweetener called acesulfame potassium or Ace-K,” Sharp continued. “While the wellness community will call both of these sweeteners complete poison, the reality is, they’re both FDA-approved and have been deemed safe in moderation.”

Aspartame, sold under the brand names Nutrasweet, Equal, and Sugar Twin, is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. Last year, the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm classified aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” calling for further research on potential health risks.

Toronto-based registered dietitian Abbey Sharp has evaluated the healthfulness of Coke Zero and Diet Coke, finding key differences in sweeteners and caffeine content. Abbey Sharp / TikTok
A 12-ounce can of Diet Coke has about 46 milligrams of caffeine, while Coke Zero has 34 milligrams. TikTok / abbeyskitchen

But the Food and Drug Administration said it disagrees with that label, noting that it “does not mean that aspartame is actually linked to cancer.”

The FDA says the acceptable daily intake for aspartame is up to 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight each day.

Ace-K, also known as Sunett and Sweet One, is also about 200 times sweeter than table sugar.

The FDA regulates Ace-K as a food additive, emphasizing that it has reviewed more than 90 studies of possible toxic effects of the substance.

Another major difference between the two Coke products is that “Diet Coke is sweetened exclusively with aspartame, whereas Coke Zero also contains a sweetener called acesulfame potassium or Ace-K,” Sharp said. NurPhoto via Getty Images

A 2022 French study linked aspartame to an increased risk of stroke and Ace-K to a higher risk of coronary artery disease.

Said Sharp: “I’m generally not concerned about either of these sweeteners, though I prefer not to take the risk specifically in pregnancy with Ace-K because it has been shown to cross the placenta.”

Another major difference between Diet Coke and Coke Zero, Sharp points out, is caffeine content.

A 12-ounce can of Diet Coke has about 46 milligrams, while Coke Zero has 34 milligrams.

In drawing her conclusion, Sharp said discipline is key.

“Honestly, diet sodas are not health foods. They should be treated no differently than regular, full-sugar soda,” she reasoned. “They don’t really add anything to the diet except for maybe some pleasure and a little energy kick. Diet, zero, regular, whatever, if you’re gonna drink soda, choose the one you like the most and enjoy in moderation.”

“Diet, zero, regular, whatever, if you’re gonna drink soda, choose the one you like the most and enjoy in moderation,” Sharp added. NurPhoto via Getty Images

For her part, Nashville-based registered dietitian Jenny Beth Kroplin cautioned to Parade last month that artificial sweeteners may cause the body to crave sweets.

“Aspartame and acesulfame potassium don’t raise blood glucose levels,” Kroplin explained. “However, the sweetness of artificial sweeteners may trigger the cephalic phase in the release of insulin and cause an increase in insulin levels in the body over time.”

Commenters on Sharp’s 95-second video, which drew more than 18,000 views in mere hours, shared their Coke preferences.

“Coke zero tastes better. Diet coke has a weird aftertaste,” one TikToker argued.

“Diet Coke is just superior especially with a lime,” another insisted.

“I don’t care for the taste for either one. Though cherry coke 0 wasn’t terrible,” a third admitted.

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