What is a scooped bagel? It’s no schmear campaign, some really like it


Forget the bagel debate over cream cheese vs. eggs, sweet vs. savory or plain vs. everything. There’s a new conversation to be had – to scoop or not to scoop?

It’s been framed as a quintessential “LA vs. New York” argument, reignited late last year by a Los Angeles-based TikToker who posted his experience asking for his usual order – a gluten-free scooped bagel – at a New York deli. 

“Dude, I’m not scooping your f—ing bagel, bro,” was the response he got, according to the video. 

So what is a scooped bagel and where does it come from?

Want your bagel on the lighter side? Some prefer a "scooped bagel."

What is a scooped bagel?

A scooped bagel is a bagel with the insides removed, leaving less dough and more of that crunchy bagel exterior. For some, the inside doughiness is the best part but for others, it adds unnecessary calories or messes with the dough-to-cream-cheese ratio. 

Both sides have passionate champions.


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